The first Lyons’ Den Build-A-Burger competition has proven a great success and we couldn’t be more grateful! The amount of interest and entries has genuinely been overwhelming!


You would not believe some of the things people want to see in a burger and some of the creative influences people come up with! The entries have seen us smile, laugh, our mouths watering and tears in our eyes!

The competition was simple, all you had to do was tell us your idea for a dream burger and the influence for that idea. We’d then pass all those ideas on to our team and decide on the winner. We’re pleased to confirm the decision process is complete and we’ll soon be announcing the winner!

We had ideas ranging from breakfast burgers to dessert burgers and everything else in-between and influences from South America to the Congo and beyond! We couldn’t be happier with the response and really wish to emphasise how thankful we are to everyone who took park, shared the Facebook posts and got involved.


To give you an idea of some of the ingredients mentioned we’ve had venison, manchego cheese, caramel sauce, peanut butter, marmite and much more suggested! Thankfully not all in the same idea!

What’s the next competition?

If you haven’t won, please don’t be disappointed. We’ll be sure to run competitions in the future. Shrewsbury’s (and beyond) enthusiasm for burgers is clear to see and we can’t wait to serve up the winning dish as well as all the other specials we have planned for this year.

Perhaps our next competition will be to build your dream milkshake, side or dessert. You never know! Keep your eyes on our Facebook and website and all will be revealed.

We look forward to seeing you in The Den!

Adam & Kelly
